Our Curriculum Intent

Statement of Curriculum Intent

The aim of our curriculum is for all pupils to have the knowledge and skills they need to be successful, independent and resilient learners, who are well prepared, in all areas of the curriculum, for their next stage of education. It is underpinned by our school ethos, vision and values and seeks to inspire in each child a life-time love of learning.


At Jessie Younghusband School, we aim to create motivated, independent learners who aspire to be the best they can be; show respect and tolerance to others and the world around them and enjoy engaging as active participants in everything school has to offer.


We believe that our curriculum should motivate and engage all pupils. We do this by providing a broad range of rich and stimulating learning opportunities. Our enrichment programme gives all children the chance to work alongside pupils from other year groups on learning activities that match their individual interests.


Our curriculum provides children with inspiring and engaging learning opportunities both in and beyond the classroom. These are woven through our curriculum provision for all year groups and include: visits to local museums and educational centres, residential visits, visitors to school and engaging in project work with organisations such as Chichester Festival Theatre and Forest School outdoor learning. We also plan opportunities for children to learn about, and respect, cultural diversity.


Our Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Learning through play, supported by focussed adult led teaching, challenges children and encourages them to develop into learners who are full of curiosity about the world around them. Our rich and stimulating learning environment enables children to explore, and build on their skills and knowledge both in the classroom and outside.


Children from Year 1 to Year 6 follow the Primary National Curriculum. Learning is carefully planned to ensure progression in knowledge and skills across all subjects and across year groups. Links are made between learning in different subjects through our topic themes and these provide a stimulating context for deep meaningful learning and progress. We encourage children to be proud of the work they do and to have a resilient and ‘have a go’ attitude through our Growth Mindset approach.


Our curriculum reflects our strong community ethos. We aim to make use of the fantastic resources available ‘on our doorstep’ in Chichester so that the children develop a strong sense of place and belonging. As enthusiastic participants in the Eco Schools’ Green Flag Award with a passion for protecting our environment, our curriculum and extra-curricular activities provide many opportunities for children to get ‘involved’ and to have a voice about issues facing our world.


At Jessie Younghusband School, we place a strong emphasis on being physically active and participating in sport for both enjoyment and good health. In addition, there are competitive opportunities for those who wish to represent the school. In addition to full provision for PE, which includes four terms of swimming and structured play activities at lunchtime, we have a range of extra-curricular school sports clubs.


Children’s progress through all subject areas is assessed by teachers in accordance with our Assessment Policy on an ‘on-going’ basis so that they can ensure planning appropriately targets children’s ‘next steps’ and addresses any gaps in learning at an early stage.