Sports Premium

Report on proposed Sports Premium Spending and Impact 2021/22


Details of our spending and the impact this has had for the previous year and the strategic plan for the coming year can be found on the links below.

Schools receive a grant from the government called the PE and Sport Premium. This is paid on an annual basis and has to be used to promote physical activity and to enhance sports provision. It is ‘ring-fenced’ so has to be used for specific things. It cannot ,for example, be used to pay for curriculum PE but can be used to provide professional development for teachers which can include a coach or suitably qualified person working alongside the teacher. Funding can be used to provide additional after school activities and to develop provision at lunch time. At Jessie Younghusband School we have aimed to use the money to have sustainable impact on the amount and quality of sport and PE activity we provide and to encourage all children to engage with physical activity to support their health and well-being.

Additional information about PE and Sport Premium can be found on this link: