Every week, The National College shares e-Safety advice for parents on various subjects. We aim to share some of their relevant guidance with you here.
They call it #WakeUpWednesday
Other resources we have collated that you might find useful:
Safer Internet Day 2022
Please see these publications for details to help protect you and your family online.
More resources to support you online.
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With more and more children talking about the online game "Fortnite", we wanted to share with you this information about the game to keep you informed.
Where can we look for help?
We receive regular updates about e-Safety and supporting young people as they try and use the internet - and all that's related to that. DITTO is the online e-Safety guidance briefing that we receive in association with the updates, and we are pleased to share them with you.
Parents can contact the free NSPCC Online Safety Helpline with questions about parental controls or concerns about a social network their children are using on 0808 8005002.
With children becoming increasingly I.T. literate, steps should be taken to help keep them safe on line. Although we cover this in every year group, it is important to teach your child some simple rules:
- make sure your child knows not to share personal information like their phone number or email address online;
- only talk to real life friends or family if they are on sites with a social media element like Moshi Monsters or Club Penguin;
- use privacy settings wherever they exist to keep their information private;
- be a good online friend and don’t say nasty things, even if it’s just a joke;
- use secure and legal sites to download music and games;
- check attachments and pop ups for viruses before they click or download anything;
- use Public Friendly WiFi when they’re out and about to filter inappropriate content.