At JYS, our School Council consists of 2 children from each Key Stage 2 class (Years 1 – 6) and we have additional members from Year 6 who represent and liaise closely with Year R and 1. Our members were elected by their peers to represent the views of their year groups. M
Our School Council members are very active. They have many roles including:
- attending meetings;
- researching ideas and issues in their respective classes;
- planning for whole school developments, such as purchasing equipment and resources for the playground;
- leading whole school assemblies;
- meeting with members of the governing body;
- writing newsletters to parents;
- deciding which biscuits they should have at the next meeting!
A chairperson and a secretary are voted in for each meeting and these councillors are responsible for leading the meeting according to the agenda and taking notes. The pupils' voice is actively sought and School Councillors regularly liaise with their classes to collect their views of different ideas and issues.
The School Councillors' thoughts and ideas are considered seriously by other children, parents and staff. We take pride in the fact that the children and teachers are working together and listening to each other.
Molly-May: I will be a good school councillor because I listen to people’s thoughts and ideas. I will make their voices heard. I will help get new equipment and healthier school dinners and more school trips!
Ines: I think a good school councillor is made up of three parts: being kind; being able to listen to others; being thoughtful. I aspire to be all of those things as a school councillor, and I will try my est to make everyone heard. I hope to be able to make the school better and a thriving work environment for children of all ages. I am delighted to have this amazing opportunity to make the school the best place it can be for everyone.
Ralph: I would make a good school councillor because I listen to others and will try my very hardest to make the school a place where all students and parents want to attend. I am passionate about having great sports equipment and even greater fun! As a school councillor, I want to encourage happiness and learning. I would also like to have a “no plastic day” on a Wednesday every month!
Alex: What makes a good school councillor? They: listen to others; are able to make good decisions; are able to get a point across; have good ideas; are respectful to other people’s ideas; want to make the school better; are considerate and caring; are a good role model.
Nestor: I would like to be a school councillor, because I just came to this school and I want to thank you for hosting me here, even though I am from another country. I try very hard. If I hear good or bad things I would share them. I speak 3 languages and I can help most people in this school like me. I can speak and translate Russian and Ukrainian - and English like you!
Leo: I will be a good school councillor because I will listen and have good ideas. I would like to have some more clubs and more tennis balls!
Amy: I will be a good school councillor because I want to listen to other people’s ideas. I would like to have more playtime equipment and more cake sales.
Bea: I am delighted to be on the school council because I want to make the school even better than it is! I want to listen to everybody in my class and share their ideas.
Finn: What makes me a good school councillor? Firstly, I do listen to what everyone says. That is important because if you want to know what people are talking about you have to listen. As a school councillor, I need to listen to what my classmates have to say about what they want the school to be. That could be how to make people safe or what new clubs my friends want.
I also believe that everyone should have the chance to do something they like to do in school. I want everything to be fair around school and to give everyone a chance to vote and speak.
Ameerah: I want to be a school councillor because I want to change the food on the Chartwell menu and I want to restart the Eco council or restart the Grounds Day on Saturday mornings. I would also like to get new equipment for break times.
Maddie: I wanted to be a school councillor because I like to make a difference to the school and want to change some things.
Take a look at the meeting agendas and minutes for more information on what has been happening so far during this academic year!