On this page you will find details of the extra music-based opportunities available for the children at JYS.
As well as the leaflets below, Mr Larley (who does singing with the children on a Wednesday morning) runs private drumming and singing lessons. For more information, he can be contacted on mossymoot@sky.com
Also, we are pleased to be offering Guitar & ukulele lessons after Christmas.
Chris Eaton is a West Sussex Music associate teacher. He’s been working with WSM for 9 years and visits the school each week.
Group (£8) or individual lessons (£13 or £20) are available to Y3 and above. Instruments can also be hired from West Sussex Music. Help towards paying for lessons might be possible for some families.
Here’s a video which demonstrates the different guitar styles Chris teaches;
To apply please email Chris; ceguitar@outlook.com
His website is; www.chriseatonguitar.com