Vision Statement
At Jessie Younghusband School our vision is to inspire and nurture the individuality of every member of our school community. We aim to fully support each pupil to achieve success at all stages of their life by instilling confidence, resilience and ambition through our shared values.
Aspire ~ Respect ~ Enjoy.
The staff and governors of Jessie Younghusband School believe that the school should:
- Have high expectations for all pupils to fully engage with their education and to develop a lifelong love of learning;
- Provide a happy and safe environment where everyone is valued and feels listened to;
- Seek to achieve good relationships with all those involved in the school through mutual respect and open and honest communication;
- Encourage everyone to aim high and try to achieve their full potential, in all areas of learning in academic work, the arts, sport, behaviour and attitudes;
- Deliver a broad and rich curriculum which provides all learners with equality of opportunity, to be challenged and to make good progress as learners in a range of subjects and contexts;
- Provide a modern and bespoke curriculum that is adapted to suit children at JYS and prepare them for living in a technological society;
- Collectively create a stimulating, vibrant learning environment which fosters inclusion and an excitement and enthusiasm for learning;
- Encourage active participation and involvement in our local community and an appreciation of our place in the wider world including issues facing global citizens now and in the future.