Our Admissions

Online applications for your child starting school in September 2023 open on Monday 3rd October 2022. The deadline for applications is Sunday 15th January 2023 (at 23:59).
Offer day for on-time online applicants (the day when parents will be notified which school their child has been offered by email) is Monday 17th April 2023.

Jessie Younghusband School is a community school serving the local catchment area. Our School's Admission Number (PAN) is 938/2112.

Parents and carers of children about to start school should contact:


Pupil Admissions Office

Centenary House

Durrington Lane


BN13 2QB

Phone: 03330 142903


Parents can express a preference for any school, but as a community school the criteria for admission is set by West Sussex. Further information about this can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

Where space is available, we welcome children into any year group. However, the Governors continue to monitor pupil numbers in each year group aiming to maintain the current pupil numbers for each class. The agreed class size is 30 children.

We aim to be an inclusive school supporting all pupils, especially those who have barriers to learning. If you have specific concerns about your child’s needs, please speak to the Headteacher. Parents considering JYS for their child are warmly invited to make a preliminary visit, by arrangement, to see the facilities and the children at work, and to have any questions answered.